Electrogorsk Research and Development Center
for Nuclear Power Plants Safety, Joint-Stock Company
Entity of REA JSC
Sitemap Версия на русском
ROSATOM Rosenergoatom

RBMK area

Now the nuclear power of Russia is faced with a problem of prolongation of RBMK-1000 Units' safe operation. JSC «EREC» activity in this area is in experimental tests and studies aimed on increase of reliability, safety and effectiveness of RBMK-1000 reactors' operation, including an additional operation life.

The experiments are carried out in following areas:

  1. Experimental tests of thermal-hydraulics and thermal-mechanics processes occurring in steady-state, transient and accident conditions at RBMK-1000.
  2. Analysis of abnormal and accident conditions occurring at existing NPPs by carrying out tests on integral test facilities.
  3. Acceptance tests of prototypes and production samples of equipment intended for the subsequent application on the NPP.

During the experiments the tasks are solved as follows:

  1. Experimental safety justification of NPPs with RBMK-1000 by direct simulation of abnormal and accident conditions.
  2. Obtaining the experimental data for validation of computer programs (codes), the calculated procedures and math models applied to justify NPP's with RBMK-1000 reactors.
  3. The experimental justification of newly designed equipment of NPP as well as security systems and algorithms of management of base and emergency operation of NPP.
  4. Data acquisition for a decision making about the subsequent application on NPPs of prototypes and production samples of equipment.
Electric Laboratory of JSC «EREC»
Automation of Non–standard Objects and Systems
Supply of WCMCS
Certification Body
Testing Laboratory